DI&V - Final Project

20/11/2017 - 4/12/2017 (Week 12 - Week 14)
Seoh Yi Zhen (0328497)
Digital Imaging and Visualization
Final Project - Motion Poster


For our final project, we had to create a motion poster based on a movie of our choice. We can use either Photoshop or Illustrator to create the poster, then animate it in After Effects. I decided to go with Interstellar because I liked the visuals in that movie and I wanted to try and replicate it in Photoshop.

Fig. 1.1: INTERSTELLAR official poster 1.

Fig. 1.2: INTERSTELLAR official poster 2.

Fig. 1.3: INTERSTELLAR official poster 3.

There were some memorable scenes that I wanted to incorporate into my poster design, so I used them as inspiration when coming up with ideas.

Fig. 1.4: Cooper station.

Fig. 1.5: Miller's planet.

Fig. 1.6: Miller's planet.

I decided to use Photoshop for my poster instead of Illustrator because I felt like it was more appropriate for the idea I had in mind. I didn't have much time to photograph my own photos, so I used stock photos found on the web. I made sure to manipulate them so that they'd be completely unrecognizable in order to avoid copyright issues.

Fig. 1.7: Sourced from http://mediad.publicbroadcasting.net/p/shared/npr/201411/363850899.jpg.

Fig. 1.8: Sourced from unsplash.com.

Fig. 1.9: Original photo.

Fig. 1.10: Compositing the poster in Photoshop.

Fig. 1.11: Process.

Fig. 1.12: Final outcome (poster).

After completing the poster, I exported the PSD file to After Effects to begin animating. I used a third-party plugin called Trapcode Particular to generate the snow, and I created the fog by adding the Fractal Noise effect to a white solid. I animated each element in separate compositions so that I wouldn't be confused, then pre-composed each one and added them to the main composition.

Fig. 1.13: Animating in After Effects.

Fig. 1.14: Motion poster.


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