Entertainment Design - Week 7

19/2/19 & 21/2/19 (Week 7)
Seoh Yi Zhen (0328497)
Entertainment Design
Assignment 1 Submission & Assignment 2 Progression


Lecture 4 (19/2/19)

As part of the module brief for Assignment 2B, Mr Mike showed us a few examples of notable brand activations. The first one was Onitsuka Tiger's Cycle of Life campaign, celebrating the brand's 60th anniversary in 2009. Inspired by the ancient Japanese Zodiac Race, the campaign featured a one-meter long diorama in the shape of a sneaker, which toured around the world and starred in the ad campaign. It also became the setting for a three-minute animation about the Zodiac Race, in which animals battled it out to secure a place on the Zodiac calendar.

Fig. 1.1: Onitsuka Tiger's Zodiac Race ad, featuring the sneaker diorama.

The second example was Absolut's Transform Today campaign, which featured four young artists dedicated to continuously transforming the possibilities of personal expression. These influencers were chosen to attract millennials through each of their own engaging and relatable personal stories. The campaign as a whole spanned across television, online advertising, social media, events and print media.

Image result for absolut transform today
Fig. 1.2: Absolut's Transform Today ad.

Mr Mike then moved on to the third example, which was the integrated advertising campaign for the movie The Dark Knight. The viral campaign created an unprecedented level of buzz and anticipation by giving fans the chance to directly involve themselves in the world of Gotham—from helping Harvey Dent become District Attorney to serving as henchmen in the Joker’s army to joining “Citizens for Batman”. It was a huge success that paved the way for immersive entertainment and movie marketing.

Related image
Fig. 1.3: Fans supporting Harvey Dent's political campaign.

We were also shown case studies of The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1, La La Land and Mercedes Benz Smart Car. From what I observed, these advertising campaigns were so successful because they engaged the target audience through immersive experiences. Besides that, they were also extremely unique and out of the ordinary, which was why people took interest in these campaigns.


Presentation 3 (21/2/19)

What is the role and importance of art and design in the games and web development industry? What is the predicted future of interactive and web design?


Presentation Slides

Content was organized quite well, but it would've been better if a brief overview was given at the beginning instead of jumping right in to the deep stuff. The information for the predicted future of interactive and web design was slightly off because those were things that have already happened/are happening. Besides that, we should've also looked into the influence of interactive design in other fields such as medicine. In terms of the slides design, the visuals were really eye-catching, especially for the games section. The pacing of the slides was also pretty good. Overall, well done as improvements can be seen since our last presentation.




Fig. 2.1: Final poster.

Design Proposal


Before beginning this project, we did some initial research on existing music tours as well as websites for similar events like ours. Our findings were compiled into the presentation slides below.

Based on our research, we began planning the Information Architecture (IA) of our microsite and sketched out some wireframes as well.

Fig. 3.1: Microsite IA.

Fig. 3.2: Wireframe (1).

Fig. 3.3: Wireframe (2).

Fig. 3.4: Wireframe (3).

Fig. 3.5: Wireframe (4).

Fig. 3.6: Wireframe (5).

Fig. 3.7: Wireframe (6).

When we met with Mr Mike and showed him our progress, he said that we did a good job with the research as we were quite thorough in studying a diverse group of tours and sites. The IA seemed okay, but he said our wireframe needed more work as we also need to include any necessary information regarding the brand activation strategy from Project 2B. With that said, he then briefed us about Project 2B.


Assignment 2B – Group Project to produce the on-ground activation proposal

The Brief
Produce an on-ground activation proposal in the form of digital comps.

Duration of Assignment
3 Weeks

Week 7

Description and Requirements
Produce on-ground activation proposal for the event from Assignment 2A. This event should integrate with the microsite design elements, and a host of activation activities that engages the targeted audience.

The purpose of the on-ground activation is to promote the major event from Assignment 2A. A thorough explanation of the strategy on how to promote and engage visitors or audiences is required. Your design solution must be able to execute this strategy effectively.

You are expected to be as original as possible in your design and idea conceptualization. 

The digital comp designs must be submitted in .psd and/or .ai format together with the A4 Design Journal in .pdf format, documenting every design item with informed rationalization of the design aesthetics and functionality. The on-ground activation’s proposal must be visualized with 3D modelled perspectives of the actual site. Multiple prints of these perspectives should be produced to cover all angles. As this is a partial submission, please compile all 2 parts (Assignment 2A and 2B) before submitting officially via the provided upload link.

Please submit all works, uploaded to a provided submission link consisting of the Project Proposal for all 2 assignments namely Assignment 2A and 2B in .pdf format; along with the presentation slides. Please label the submission clearly by identifying all the members in your group.


For this project, we began by coming up with a rough plan of our campaign timeline. We weren't really sure what exactly we were supposed to do, so we kind of just winged it and made the campaign as simple as possible.

These were some of the ideas we had for our campaign:
  • Ads (social media + guerrilla)
  • Event hashtag
  • Lucky draw competition
  • Event countdown
  • Press conference

After listing them down, we were advised to organize these ideas in a proper timeline. We also had to make sure to include any important promotions or announcements into the microsite wireframe.


I don't think I have much to say about this week other than it was extremely hectic. Although the entire week was just work, work, and more work, it felt good to finally make progress for Project 2. I think my group really came together this week, and everyone contributed their part in the research and ideation process.

As you can already tell by the length of this blog post, this was the week where my group did the most work in the entire semester. My only hope is that this momentum doesn't dip down again next week because it's literally crunch time for all of us.

I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but doing preliminary research is really important before beginning any project because it allows you to study what works and what doesn't. I think this is especially true when it comes to web design, as most internet users are accustomed to certain designs and interfaces that can ease the delivery of information.


Reference List

Macleod, D. (2009). ASICS Onitsuka Tiger in Zodiac Race. Retrieved from http://theinspirationroom.com/daily/2009/asics-onitsuka-tiger-in-zodiac-race/

Rosen, G. The Dark Knight Known as the best viral movie marketing campaign in... Retrieved from https://cargocollective.com/GaryRosen/The-Dark-Knight-Known-as-the-best-viral-movie-marketing-campaign-in

Photo Credits

Fig. 1.2: http://www.pdoubleet.com/absolut-transform-today
Fig. 1.3: https://keyconceptsc1.wordpress.com/2011/11/01/viral-marketing-campaign-for-the-dark-knight-2008/


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