Branding Strategies - Project 1B

Seoh Yi Zhen (0328497)
Branding Strategies
Project 1B: Situation Analysis


Project 1B: 20%

The Brief
Situation Analysis

Duration of Assignment
Week 1 – 4

Week 3: SWOT
Week 4: Brand goals, Brand objectives & Target audience

You are to propose a cause/campaign/event you would like to brand and conduct an in depth study of the subject. Analyse the subject and its market looking at SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats).

In addition, you are to determine the personality and message the brand wants to communicate. What does the brand want its market to perceive? What are its brand goals and as such what brand objective must it set to achieve these goals? Please identify the target audience, analyse their lifestyle and determine how your brand will resonate with them and support your study with a customer journey map.

Brand goals are valuable business targets for a brand.
Brand objectives are targets that bring you closer to your goals but don't necessarily have value of their own.

Brand goals are things such as brand awareness that increase brand entity.
Brand objectives are steps towards goals such as launching an advertising campaign.

Finding a niche you can fill. Researching your market.

Requirements / Submission
Presentation with a compilation of creative info graphic, mind map, photos, etc followed by 15 minutes open discussion/feedback/evaluation.

To learn how to conduct research and analyse/study a subject to plan an effective proposal.




SWOT Analysis (Week 3)

Brand Goals, Brand Objectives and Target Audience (Week 4)


Week 3

SWOT Analysis
Well done! Not only have you established your subject well from the beginning, you have even gone to analyse their relation and co dependency from different perspective. Hence you SWOT is relevant and accurate to the topic you have chosen.

Week 4

Brand Goals, Brand Objectives and Target Audience

The information presented is very comprehensive. The brand objectives relate closely to the brand goals, and the implementation of the brand objectives can be seen clearly in the customer journey map. The target audience is also quite well-researched, which provided some interesting insights to the overall presentation.


This assignment was quite challenging at the start because it required quite a bit of research and critical analysis. However, once I fully understood the subject matter, the SWOT analysis, brand goals, brand objectives and target audience became much more manageable and it was surprisingly easy to progress from one to the other.

I noticed that having a class discussion was very helpful, because the class managed to bring up viable points and feedback that our lecturer might have missed. The feedback session was also good practice for me to learn how to be more critical in the analysis of other people's work.

When it comes to planning a brand strategy, it is important to have a full understanding of the subject matter, as well as all other aspects that might relate to the brand. I found that the wider my scope of study, the more different perspectives I gained, which ultimately helped me in developing my own brand strategy.


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