Design Research Methodology - Research Report

Seoh Yi Zhen (0328497)
Design Research Methodology
Final Assessment - Research Report and Presentation


Research Report Brief
The compilation of the contents from the proposal, research and research implementation is to be found in the research report.

The students are to produce a PowerPoint report that is organised and complete with the following:
1. Research topic
2. Research area
3. Problem statement
4. Research objective(s)
5. Research question(s)
6. Research rationale
7. Literature review (research)
8. Research implementation (selection and justification of primary research methods)
9. Data collected from primary research
10. Reference list
11. Picture credit list

Briefing: Week 11; Deadline: Week 13

Submission Format
1. Digital submission in e-portfolio blog, CONVERTED TO PDF.
2. To verbally present simplified PowerPoint slides on submission day.

Assignment Goals
1. Students to communicate effectively through writing, design and verbal presentation
2. Students to apply research and referencing skills


Research Report



Throughout this entire semester, I think this module was definitely the most mentally challenging. Even though I'm quite an analytical person, it was still quite tough for me to conduct this research, especially when it came to the critical review. The final presentation itself was relatively easy because I was already quite familiar with my topic, having gone through so many weeks of studying and revising my data.


I noticed that my time management skills improved because I barely pulled any all-nighters to complete the work for this module. Or maybe it's just because my work itself is lacking. Probably the most interesting thing that I observed about myself is that I kind of have two modes: either I'm extremely analytical to the point where it becomes slightly obsessive, or I just take everything at face value. I guess I need to find that balance for myself in order to improve when I write my dissertation next semester.

After going through this module, I found that I learnt quite a lot about AI and generative art from my research. It's really interesting to discover all these new things that I had no idea was even possible. Even though I still don't fully understand the process, I was mind-blown when I saw all the amazing artworks that were done by AI.


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